World of warships alaska review
World of warships alaska review

world of warships alaska review

Take a tech tree ship remove hull A and then in the next few patches it's now available as a premium ship kewl. Take a tech tree ship downtier it and presto new $40 premium. Take a tech tree ship make a new skin sell it for $50-70(Warhammer ships + Pan Asian BBs + some AL ships) Take a tech tree ship make a new skin and sell it for $50(you still won't get a new ship aka Godzilla+Kong at least on console they get a new ship like the Warhammer collab) Take an existing ship, put new guns on it do some cosmetic changes and "viola" new $50 premium! Please share YOUR thoughts on Weimar below.

world of warships alaska review

Lets give it scores, coz well i gotta get SOMETHING for my $50 (0-10): I'll start with Eric Lowenblowen, Munchen, Mainz, Prinz Eugen, Hipper (kinda prem got for free), tier 6 premium dd that was removed from store, Scharny, Biz, hell even Dudpitz, maybe a couple others. Other ze German prem ships I have in port, that are much more "fun" that I also never play: How many games will you get out of Weimar before you remove it from primary ships, and forget you even have one? there are more "fun" free tech tree ships to play, many, MANY MORE. the focus and intense energy sapping power of this ship makes playing it exhausting Oh great flying spaghetti monster in the sky.D'OH I'm dead already!. Now pretty much you're going to angle in towards the closest enemy, up to detected range of 11.5kms, prayers and sacrifices to your deity will protect you from being spotted by dd or planes, then kite away, and only THEN, can you start attacking ANYONE. Take faster engine acceleration and decel for sure (same as CC says), because it's pretty much your best defense. Weimar can't island camp, so strap on your adult diapers and get ready for some open water fighting (remember THAT?!?). Skill floor is high, skill ceiling is ALL LUCK, because you're going to need a perfect entire team to help carry you. Weimar shines at end game, when your team is winning, and chasing those last enemy BBs to rear of map, if your team hasn't made it to this point in any given battle.well its a loss then, isn't it?, and your probably already dead. To play Weimar, you're going to get very tired, exhausted type tired, because you need to put a large amount of energy and focus into each battle with this ship. Here are Mudfarts bits that CC's leave out: Carbine Carlito is spot on with his review, although he does claim it was OP when in test and had a 1 second faster reload.for some reason.

World of warships alaska review